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Mali Wear | 40% Off Closeout Sale


    Mali Wear Story

     Is there a story behind our Picture Logo? Is there meaning behind it? 
    Our logo consists of 3 parts; a colorful bubbled "Tree of Life". Next to the tree is a bird house and sitting in the bird house is….. look closely... a little bird! This is Mali Bird she is the mama bird guarding her nest. Now for our story and how this drawing represents us. 

      Hi! My name is Alina. Im the  Mama bird at our literal bird house.  Our small family business took off when we realized we have another little egg soon to hatch . That makes us parents to 5 chicks!! 3 chicas and 2 chicos. We quickly realized that me working away from home would be much more difficult with our growing family. We threw some thoughts and ideas together and started something completely home bound. Our Tree represents "The Tree of Life" mentioned so many times throughout the bible and referenced in so many tongues and cultures. The Tree of Life is a symbol of the promise and hope that nature and mankind will soon be restored to perfection like it was intended in the very beginning. It is also a an iconic symbol for the greatest love story ever written. 
        I've learned that no matter what someone starts to do; their passion, personality and values will be their guide to success or destruction.  Anyone who knows me, can attest to my passion and drive for health and fitness especially natural and holistic alternatives to our modern day options in food and medicine. I find it intriguing that God created everything so perfect and how unfortunately, sin destroyed and is still destroying our Original God intended Perfect World. I truly believe that God (not mother nature) when he created Adam & Eve had the best "Go Green" Nature & Eco System built for us to thrive and sickness and death was never in the picture. This is my passion and the foundation to most of my logic and thinking. I would love to and truly hope to start a blog soon to expand on this topic and share the daily insight and inspiration I see in Nature and how science amidst so much evolutionary controversy has shined light and given me undeniable faith in God. 
    We are very excited to bring new and high quality Natural wooden toys and baby products to the market.
       We are constantly looking for ways to improve our products and love hearing from our customers. Chat with us here or send us an email.  Thank you for supporting our family business.  We love our customers specially the little ones. 
                                -Mali Wear